OV Fellowship

Connect to a private network of ambitious Vietnamese professionals and high-performers. Build a personal board of advisors. Unlock access to top-notch business experts and programming. Grow as a professional, individual, and leader.

Membership Designed
For the Ambitious

  • Private Network

    Access to a vetted community of driven Vietnamese peers who understand your challenges and needs.

  • Peer Mentorship

    Your curated peer group of 5 people to form your personal board of directors.

  • Workshops & Events

    Expert-led workshops and conversations to level up your skills and potential. Available live and on demand.

  • Knowledge Base

    Compounding library of curated and member-contributed knowledge, insights, and resources.

  • Jobs & Opportunities

    Exclusive job, partnership, networking and business opportunities.

  • Social Impact

    Part of your membership proceeds flow directly to our partner charity to support underprivileged Vietnamese.

Get on the Waitlist

OV Fellowship will launch in late 2024. We will begin with small and intimate batches. Put yourself on the waitlist and be among the first to get notified: